Posts Tagged ‘Website Design’

Tips to Improve Your Website’s Sales Figures

Monday, August 12th, 2013

Selling products online is beneficial for both, manufacturers and customers. Manufacturers can offer huge discounts while selling online as they don’t have to invest thousands of dollars in renting shopping centers and stores. The cost of products is less on online shopping portals as various middle men, distributors are eliminated, and goods are directly sent to the customer’s home from manufacturers’ warehouse.

Thanks to increasing online shopping trend, these days website is considered as one of the most important assets for any organization. Let’s take a look at some of the factors which can influence online sales.


Taking advantage of social networking sites

Social networking sites like Twitter, Google plus and Facebook can drive considerable amount of traffic to your website. These social networking sites offer free pages to companies and business houses. All that you need to do is open your company’s page and keep on updating it with links to your website and information about products which you sell on your website.


Website’s content and design plays an important role

What will be your reaction if you visit a website to buy something, and there is not enough product information about the product which you are planning to buy? You might change your shopping plan if you do not find enough information about the concerned product.

You should make sure that there is enough product description content for products which you are selling on your website. You should also try to put links for product description videos, user reviews and blog posts.

Website’s visitors will buy products only if they are convinced that your website and your products are genuine. You should also try to mention some information about your product’s history and some information about stores and shopping centers where it is available.


Contact details

Surveys suggest that people visit the website’s -contact details section, and the -about us section, before making any purchases on the website. It is very important to mention all the information about your company in the- about us section, and the contact details section. You should mention information like- your company’s corporate office address, telephone numbers, email ids for top executives, and telephone numbers for customer service team. This will assure the customer that he or she is purchasing items from the right website.


Opt for website cloning instead of taking risk with new designs

These days, more and more companies and business houses are opting for website cloning, as it allows web developers to create a new website by using design from any of the existing websites on the internet. Website cloning saves lot of time and money. It also offers user friendly experience to the website’s visitors.

There are several companies which offer website cloning service; however, it’s not an easy job. You should opt for a website designing company which is specialized in website cloning.  If you are looking for a professional and dedicated team of web designers to help you with your website cloning requirement, you should get in touch with Rabbit clone. You can visit their website for more information-

Best Tips to Improve Website’s Sales Stats

Monday, August 12th, 2013

According to reports, these days, even developing countries from Asia are reporting considerable amount of rise in online sales. Around 40 per cent of the internet users in the United States prefer to shop online instead of visiting shopping centers. So, it is clear that the company or business website is not just information portal anymore. Let’s take a look at some of the points which can help you to make your website better from online sales prospective.


Content on the website can influence online sales

Some customers prefer to know everything about the product which they are buying. So, if you are selling products on your website, you should try to put content which is good enough to convince a buyer that he or she is buying a genuine product.

You should put a detailed product description on your website. Shoppers would also appreciate if you put links for product description videos. Incomplete or inadequate content about products which you are selling might result in low sales figures.


Spending money on various campaigns

Allotting a good budget for various marketing campaigns is very important to attract visitors and prospect customers to your company or business websites. These days, companies prefer spending money on SEO and pay per click advertising campaigns as these campaigns divert genuine visitors to the company’s website. Pay per click campaigns also help companies to save money spent on advertising as companies only pay as per number of clicks registered on their advertisements placed on various websites.


Influence of SEO factors on online sales

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps in bringing traffic/ visitors to your website. Some of these visitors might prove to be prospect customers, and result in increased online sales figures. However, there is another side of SEO which you should be aware about.

Some SEO service providers use black hat SEO tricks like- keyword stuffing, domain crowding, and putting links in spam link farms, using invalid keywords for the website’s content, using duplicate or copied content on the website, etc. Google bans websites which use black hat SEO tricks to get traffic and better rankings in search engine results. If search engines ban your website, you might end up losing considerable percentage of online sales. So, it is advisable to stay away from using black hat SEO tricks for better search engine rankings.


Website’s design can influence sales

Online sales experts suggest that people who shop online prefer to buy something from websites which load quickly and websites which are user friendly. You should make sure that all your tabs and sub tabs are easily visible, avoid using complicated website designs.

These days, web designers recommend website cloning instead of designing a new website. Website cloning means creating a new website by using any existing website’s design. You can also opt for any popular website’s design. If you are looking for a team of website designers who offers perfect website cloning service, Rabbit clone can prove to be the best option. You can visit their website for more details-

Tips to Make Your Website Better than Others

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

A recent survey suggests that there are more than 300 million business websites which sell various products and services online. Setting up a website for your business is not enough; you need to make sure that its one of the best websites in the world. Here are some tips which can help you to create that perfect website for your business.


Keep a track about your expenditure on your website

You or your designer initially needs to spend money for- buying a domain name, paying hosting charges and charges for installing various softwares if required. You should also be ready with a good budget to spend money on other important services like content development, digital advertising and SEO.


Content development for website

After registering the domain name and constructing the basic structure (site map) of the website, you will have to hire a team of freelance content writers to write content about your products and services. Some web designing companies also offer content development services to their clients. However, it is advisable to opt for your own team of freelance writers and check the content with the help of copy escape and other software to make sure that it is authentic.



Till the end of last decade, people used to call up their friends to find information about products and services which they are willing to buy. This is not the case anymore. Studies suggest that these days’ people prefer to find information about various products and services using search engines like Google, AOL, Bing, Yahoo, etc. So, it is important for your website to be in the top five pages of search results for keywords related to your products. SEO helps you to do just that!

Search engines refer web directories, links on various websites, they work on search algorithm and some other calculations to rate various websites in their search results. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process which involves registering your website with various web directories, putting your website’s links on other relevant sites and organizing your website’s content as per SEO guidelines.


Digital advertising

History is evident that advertising plays an important part in increasing sales of various products and services. It is advisable to decide your budget for advertising and select the type of advertising accordingly.

You can choose from various options like- email advertising, PPC (pay per click) advertising, banner advertising, and other search engine marketing campaigns.  These days, the most preferred way of advertising is PPC.


Website cloning instead of using new design for website

These days’ web developers have developed a wonderful technique which involves creating a website using the design from any of the existing websites. It is known as website cloning.

Companies prefer website cloning as it allows them to choose the design of any popular website. This makes their website user friendly, as people are already familiar with the website’s design and location of various tabs. If you are looking for a trusted web developer who offers website cloning service, you should definitely visit Rabbit Clone’s website-

Tips to Make Your Website Attractive and Visitor Friendly

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Website can play an important part in bringing more customers and increasing your profits. Managing a website is no more a difficult task, there are hundreds of small business owners who manage their own website and save website designers’ fees worth hundreds of dollars.  Here are few tips which can help you to make your website attractive and visitor friendly.


Select appropriate domain name for your website

Always opt for a domain name which is related to your products and services. Select a domain registration company which has a good reputation in market, and is offering domain names at reasonable rates.



Website’s design plays the most important part in attracting visitors. You website should be user friendly. Navigation from one section or page to the other should be convenient and quick. Website’s design should be selected after considering various factors like- the type of payment gateway which you are planning to use on your site, various features, functions, media players, and various plugins which you are planning to install. You can either opt for a new design, or you can use the famous website cloning technique.


Loading time

There is no point in running a website which takes several minutes to load because of its graphics, designs or flash players. People who are visiting your website with a slow internet connection might not even wait on your website if takes too much time to load and open. So, create a website which opens quickly, and use more of text content instead of graphics.


Your website’s content

It is advisable to only post content which is related to your products or services on your website. Visitors might feel misguided if you Post unnecessary content or keywords which are not related to your products or services on your website. Posting irrelevant content and using wrong can drop your website’s search engine ratings. This may reduce your website’s traffic (number of visitors).

Good content will not only keep your website’s visitors on your website for longer time, but it will also attract new visitors from various search engines.



There is no point in installing unnecessary plugins on your website. You should ask your website designer to just install basic plugins to enable content sharing on Facebook, Google plus and twitter. Unnecessary plugins can impact your website’s performance in a negative way.


Avoid pop-ups

According to a recently conducted survey in the United States, internet users dislike pop-ups on websites. So, if you want your website’s visitors to be happy, it is advisable to avoid using pop-ups on your website.


These days, lot of companies and individuals are opting for website cloning, instead of selecting new designs for websites. Website cloning means copying an existing website’s design and creating a similar looking website. This helps in saving lot of money and time.  There are several website cloning service providers, but very few of them are worth trusting. Rabbit clone is one of those very few trusted names for website cloning. You can visit their website for further information-