Posts Tagged ‘Website Redesign’

Tips to Make Your Website Attractive and Visitor Friendly

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

Website can play an important part in bringing more customers and increasing your profits. Managing a website is no more a difficult task, there are hundreds of small business owners who manage their own website and save website designers’ fees worth hundreds of dollars.  Here are few tips which can help you to make your website attractive and visitor friendly.


Select appropriate domain name for your website

Always opt for a domain name which is related to your products and services. Select a domain registration company which has a good reputation in market, and is offering domain names at reasonable rates.



Website’s design plays the most important part in attracting visitors. You website should be user friendly. Navigation from one section or page to the other should be convenient and quick. Website’s design should be selected after considering various factors like- the type of payment gateway which you are planning to use on your site, various features, functions, media players, and various plugins which you are planning to install. You can either opt for a new design, or you can use the famous website cloning technique.


Loading time

There is no point in running a website which takes several minutes to load because of its graphics, designs or flash players. People who are visiting your website with a slow internet connection might not even wait on your website if takes too much time to load and open. So, create a website which opens quickly, and use more of text content instead of graphics.


Your website’s content

It is advisable to only post content which is related to your products or services on your website. Visitors might feel misguided if you Post unnecessary content or keywords which are not related to your products or services on your website. Posting irrelevant content and using wrong can drop your website’s search engine ratings. This may reduce your website’s traffic (number of visitors).

Good content will not only keep your website’s visitors on your website for longer time, but it will also attract new visitors from various search engines.



There is no point in installing unnecessary plugins on your website. You should ask your website designer to just install basic plugins to enable content sharing on Facebook, Google plus and twitter. Unnecessary plugins can impact your website’s performance in a negative way.


Avoid pop-ups

According to a recently conducted survey in the United States, internet users dislike pop-ups on websites. So, if you want your website’s visitors to be happy, it is advisable to avoid using pop-ups on your website.


These days, lot of companies and individuals are opting for website cloning, instead of selecting new designs for websites. Website cloning means copying an existing website’s design and creating a similar looking website. This helps in saving lot of money and time.  There are several website cloning service providers, but very few of them are worth trusting. Rabbit clone is one of those very few trusted names for website cloning. You can visit their website for further information-