Posts Tagged ‘Website Clone Software’

Ecommerce as a ‘Power Booster’

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

“Ecommerce has come as a power booster to grow online business and sell the products and services quickly without much effort. But for this effective Website design proposal for your Ecommerce website is very crucial.

Some of the advantages that along with this virtual medium are:
Global Approach: If you have a physical store for your business, you will be limited to a certain geographical area that you service. But if you play with an Ecommerce you can get the whole world as your playground without any barriers of language, geographical location, and people etc. this is the best approach to target globally. Also, with the advent of smart phones this has become the most adopted platforms to do and sell business.

Cost Reduction: One of the biggest advantages of Ecommerce is that it cut down the cost that was earlier used for physical location setup, maintenance and all. Now with one single website business can target billions of people looking for product and services on the internet. However, such costs can be utilized in a much smarter way by offering customers with applicable discounts and gifts. Thus, doing more business.

Offers Comparison Shopping: Ecommerce website facilitates comparison shopping to all its customers. There are several online services that allow customers to browse multiple online merchants and find the best prices and product to cater their needs.

Product Information: When you are displaying products in your physical store there is a limitation to the amount of information that can you can display with it. It is difficult to assign employees to respond to customers who require information about each product detail. But with Ecommerce website business owners can put any amount of information about the product to help consumers to understand the product they are buying more clearly. When they know what actually they are buying they will be much satisfied.

24*7 Availability: Ecommerce website can run all the time and are open 24*7. For the merchant’s it provides an increased number of orders and customers. Whereas it provides an advantage to customer’s by an option of “”always open”” store which is more convenient.

Convenient: It eliminates travel time and cost both which were invested by the customers to reach their preferred physical store to get the product of their choice. Now, one can easily visit any virtual store without any trouble and get the product of their choice easily. No more travel required!

Create Markets for Niche Products: Buyers and sellers of niche products can find it difficult to locate each other in the physical world. Online, it is only a matter of time as the customer search for any product anytime through a search engine and gets the product of their choice. With virtual display options it is now also easier to preview the product that is being offered by the company. Get the item of your choice with full insight.

Quick transactions: It offers automation of checkout, billing, payments, inventory management, and other operational processes for the customers ease. This also lowers the manpower required run a business as 1 to 2 people can easily handle Ecommerce. website.

Quick product search: It is no longer about pushing a shopping cart in the correct aisle, or searching hard for the desired product. With this, customers can click through intuitive navigation option to immediately simplify their product search. Some websites also remember customer preferences and shopping lists to facilitate repeat purchase.

However, the benefits are not limited, as this offer extensive set of applications and functionalities with it. If you are kick starting your online business then this can prove to be a quick approaching tool to both increases the leads and as well to double the profits. There are many companies that offer such Website design proposals for you.”

Using Website clone software to create a replica

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Have you ever wanted to create the next Facebook or any other most popular website on the internet or yourself? Well you’re not alone then because thousands of people also aspire to get the same. Everybody wants a top selling site for their business that can turn the eyes of millions on the World Wide Web and get top most attention. But the main question that arises here is that what is the key element of such top ranking sites?


Logic tells us that if they are successful then if we copy what they do and have a similar type of identity for our self then we will be successful too. Cloning can give you assured results and a tried and tested template for your site, so you will not need to invest much of time choosing the designs and other assets. You can simply select the design of your choice and get it cloned for your business too.


There are many companies around that are offering cloning services for catering your business needs. These companies are having floods of Website Clone Scripts for you that you can choose from and create an exact replica of the original one for yourself. Earlier, the cloning process was a bit complicated though, and requires many long listed things to carry out the needed work. Also it was very time consuming. But today with technology moving up in every sector, this task is much simplified with the help of Website clone software’s entry into the cloning world. It now has become a quick process and also delivering 100% efficient outputs.


What actually does this Website clone software do?


The Website clone software will make the cloning process automated by carrying out all the required actions involved in the process quickly. It will save both time and manual efforts. Below are the few actions that are carried out by this copy software.


  • It makes a backup of the original site before making its replica.
  • Uses this backup to create a copy for the new one.
  • Generates a new alias for the clone.
  • Deploys the backup copy to the new location of the clone.
  • The new site will be imported and verified in the system and relevant configurations will be saved.
  • It downloads the web page whose address you specify as well as the all the Web pages linked from that web page that you specify. This software also copies (clones) the entire site.

However, this process can look complicated for you as you are not a professional in the following area. It will be more convenient if you get this done from any website cloning company that are offering quick cloning services through Website clone software use. They will professionally take care of all aspects and will provide you will the final Website Clone Scripts.


Website copying can be a convenient way to kick start your online business and get recognition for your brand and products quickly without working too hard. You got all the already made, tried and tested contents on your plate to enjoy the treat. You will be saved from working from scratch and creating the complete one. Also, with these Website Clone Scripts you can change and append any feature you want to add or delete in your copy. This is the most convenient way to make your dreams come into reality and get a successful online business without any hassle. In other words, cloning can be used as a simulation tool to anticipate the results of upgrading a site to a new release or build safely. you may visit

Issues related to website development and design

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

With soaring competition in website development and design much new innovative technologies can be seen today. With all businesses moving up to the internet there is a tough completion awaiting for the web designers and developers. Not only the demand for unique and better design is increasing as web owners are also looking for skyrocketing functionalities for their websites. In a competition to drive maximum traffic to their website than their peers they are investing both time and finance.

If you are successful in getting people to your website then you are a sure winner. But your task doesn’t just end there as proper maintenance and updating is very crucial for the websites. As people look for fresh and current information on the World Wide Web you have to make sure that you engage in proper web maintenance services with your web developers. And if you are going for Copy a website scenario then making sure that all the functionalities are properly integrated and all the irrelevant ones are altered is very important. However, today many Website copy software’s have come up in the market which are proving to be very useful in website copying.

Either creating a fresh new website or go for Copy a website there are several troublesome areas your website may come across with. Taking care of such areas and resolving them at the earliest will help you with a proper functioning website. Some of them are as follows:

  • Poor Quality Design

This is the major issue that may arise during the website development. Having a fresh and appealing website design is very important as there is a sea of websites online that are competing to mark their identity. If your website design is unattractive you will be thrown at the darker corners of internet with nil visitors. And if you are Copy a website case then you must take extra care about the design as you may end up categorized as a spam.

  • Poor Navigation

Navigation is perhaps the most important element of any web design. Whatever form of primary navigation you choose make sure it’s consistent throughout your site. If you have a big website that’s well categorized you will surely attract many visitors and will be able to convince them to browse along to all your inner pages. Tabs can be a really effective means of primary navigation.

  • Slow loading time

Most users will not tolerate a slow website, if you ignore this issue you are going to lose a lot of potential visitors to your website. You should make sure that your pages respond within a second or ideally in one tenth of a second. Avoiding flash content and too many images may help you shorten your loading time.

  • No clear communication

One of the most common pitfalls is a website that does not clearly communicate to the customers. For an instance, if it is selling a product, it does not explain clearly what the product is, and the benefits or how to buy it. Having a clear and transparent communication will attract many eyeballs to your website thus increasing your revenues.

  • Broken Links

If your site has not functioning links users will be frustrated and will assume that you do not perform regular maintenance on your website and turn away from your website. Running monthly maintenance checks on your websites to ensure that any broken links are identified and removed is very important.

Unfortunately, many websites fail to take care of such simple things and end up losing visitors to their websites. Taking care not to avoid such points will give you a proper running website and loads of traffic. Also, when going for a Copy a website using standard and licensed Website copy software is crucial.

Tips to buy Website Clone Scripts

Friday, August 31st, 2012

In today’s fast paced world of internet people are looking for website scripts that generate revenue while creating an engaged user experience on their websites. Website Clone scripts are the scripts that adopt the functionalities of a given web site in terms of design or features. Many popular website clone scripts are available in the market from Facebook, twitter to YouTube.


Most of the sites on the internet that are used to clone a website have already made a name in the market, and competing with them is something challenging. Still, clone scripts have huge competence if you plan for a pleasing business model. As with any clone scripts, it is essential to do some research before purchasing.


Here are some of the factors to be considered before buying clone scripts. Clone scripts when chosen carefully will give you good value for money.


Remember to Search for script’s listing page on the internet to see if any reviews were left. You can also make use of forums to ask other members about their experience with the script. It is necessary to cross check that your web host meets the requirements of the script. Some scripts will not work under different versions of programming platform or database. Besides, some scripts require that you install add-ons. Apart from web host requirements, remember to verify the user requirements as well, such as if the script will work with just a web browser, or if it will require any additional plug-ins or software.


Each scripting package is secured by a license and end-user agreement. These documents will explain the copyright of the script as well as what can be changed with the script. If you are not sure about the software license, it is useful checking Wikipedia, which maintains a list of commonly used website clone software license.


It pays to look for a demo or screenshots of the script you are purchasing. This will let you get a real experience of a working version of the script before you purchase. If there is no demo, then this might be a warning sign. Most reputed vendors or developers will have a demo on their site. Scammers usually do not have a demo on their site, which indicates that they are selling illegal copies of scripts.


Looking for support and documentation is another most important factor and is something that can be easily tested before buying. Contact the vendor with a few questions about their support. You will get a good idea of their standard of knowledge, and their response time. If the application you are buying is a critical one, remember to check if they provide phone support. Regardless of how flexible a web application can be, upgrades and bug fixes should never be ignored. Check with the vendor to see how upgrades and bug fixes are handled.


Finally make sure that any clone script you are interested in is the developer’s original generation. It is legal to clone functions, such as the ability to include videos or create a profile. It is not legal to copy or modify code or other parts of someone else’s script or site. Website Clone scripts you use should be free from copyrighted materials such as graphics, code, content, or trademarked features of the original version.

Get the Popular Website Clone Scripts for Successful Online Business

Friday, July 20th, 2012

While browsing the internet, many of you might have gone through websites with some unique design and layout ideas, and would like to have such features in your website. Website cloning perfectly fulfills this requirement to get the cloned copy of your dream website. Website duplication enables you to clone any sort of sites like classified, social networking, content management, e-commerce, photo gallery and many more websites of your choice.


Website cloning removes the hurdle of spending huge amount of time and money on developing a website. With some of the best website clone software and tools available it’s no tougher to create any desired website. With the convenience of such tools you need not have a second thought to start your online business. These tools create the replica of other successful websites with great ease. The functionalities of even the most complex websites can be replicated within short period of time using these web cloning tools.


The replicated website doesn’t look exactly same as the original one, but it just bears the similarities with the earlier website. For this reason website duplication has nothing to do with the violation of copyright laws. But to duplicate a website it’s necessary to ensure that cloned site is not the exact replica of the genuine site. So creating a cloned excellence requires unmatched technical skills and commitment.


So, it is highly advisable to create a site of your interest from a reliable company that has expertise to meet your design objectives without making an exact replica. The reputed cloning companies will have access to the leading website clone scripts in the market. Some of the popular scripts include


Facebook Clone: It is a replica of the famous social networking website Facebook with all the existing features in the current website. You can add other new customized features to improve the site functionality.
Monster Clone: Monster clone script provides a means for the best online job portal. It aims to assist all the components of job searching and job hiring process required for job seekers and employers.
Ebay Clone: Ebay clone script enables you to create your own sales site. This clone allows you to set up notices to start making money through the website or charge commission for selling products.
YouTube Clone: It grants you to create a clone of YouTube which is the well known video sharing site. YouTube clone is one of the most popular and open source social media and video sharing website script on the Internet.


Creating a similar website with other unique features is possible with high quality developments. So it requires professional website clone and copy from top to bottom. It starts from designing the database and creating the complete specification for the admin panel and making it flexible for the front end of the website. Therefore only a qualified and experienced website cloning company can provide you all the elements of cloning as per your requirement. So ensure to choose the right company if you are serious about promoting your online business.

Ethics of using Website Clone Scripts

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

If you are planning to create a website with limited budget you might want to have a glance at website clone scripts. While clone scripts have been around for years, they have suddenly gained popularity as these scripts save a lot of time and money required for building a brand new website. A website clone script generally clones all the functionalities of a famous website in terms of design or features. While cloning the site, front end design can be slightly changed to prevent copy right issues. Web site clone scripts give the advantage to clone any website including social networking and search engine giants like Face book, Twitter, Google, Bing, etc.


As a primary step you have to install the script, make a few changes at the front end and then twist the script to meet your business requirements. You can always adjust the scripts as needed. Make sure to get open source clone scripts to make the necessary changes. Scripts with encrypted source code don’t provide the option to edit. Customization of the scripts helps you make money online by creating quality websites. More features have to be added to your site to separate it from other similar sites in the market. To add new characteristics to your website you need to analyze what your targeted audience is going to look for in your website. Try to work on those areas that will make things easier for your targeted traffic.


There are many false impressions about clone scripts. Some people consider them as poorly coded scripts while others expect them to be the best way to become famous overnight. It is a misconception to expect that a website worked for someone else will do the same miracles for your business as well. As most of the sites being cloned had already made a name, withstanding with them is quite impossible. However, clone scripts have great possibility to make money online, if you have a clean business strategy.


When you plan to clone a website it is important to ensure that any clone script you are interested in is the developer’s genuine foundation. It is allowable to clone or duplicate operations, such as the ability to add images or create a profile page. But it is not ethical to copy other parts of someone else’s script. Make sure that the clone scripts you use are free from copyrighted elements such as graphics, content, or any other controlled features of the genuine concept.


The direction of cloning market is always changing as organizations always look for website clone scripts that generate revenue while giving their customers the best user experience. It is beneficial to hire a professional website cloning company that adds unique features to the existing clone scripts to create a website of your own choice.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

Efficient Web Development with Affordable Website Cloning

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012



Cloning of websites is rapidly evolving as the advantageous method of designing websites on a low cost budget. This involves the copying of another successful website or changing some aspects of an already existing website to create another new site. In this case, it is not always necessary for the web designers to write fresh scripts. Searching new ways of developing the web site without investing much money is highly profitable.


It is possible to get a low cost cloning of websites that can still produce wonderful quality design results on the new website. An effective, well developed website that has unique layout and content will be user friendly and can attract visitors. One of the important benefits of website cloning is that you get to take the best areas of another site and include it into the new website to improve it.


Web cloning is not illegal because the design is not copyrighted and what is illegal to obtain and publish is the information found on that particular website. Web cloning has made it easy for small companies to develop websites for them because it involves much simpler method of determining how the website will look like and this also simplifies the work of the website developers. If you have been impressed by a particular website and you have your website cloned from that particular website, it will most probably impress a lot of people and catch their attention.


A website developer can clone a website for you at a reasonable price and also add a few modifications so that it can meet the kind of services that you are offering. Once you have selected a website that you would want a website developer to clone and you make the necessary payments to the cloning company, you will have your own website up and fully functional in no time. The cloning company will help you in issues like where to host your newly launched website and how to market it.


Contracting a website cloning company for your needs is affordable because there is not much technical stuff that is done. Furthermore, there is no need of high technical knowledge that is required to make the cloning. Since it is not the whole concept on one website that is being copied, the designer can just take parts that need to be corrected from the new website and then pick the most quality parts from the other site to use for cloning.


Many companies and also individuals find it very hard to decide on website layouts when they want to develop websites for their companies. Today, it is very easy to have your website created in the same manner and layout like another website and all one has to do is consult a web cloning company.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

Why Website Cloning is Popular

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012



Website cloning is evolving much famous with the modern internet technology. This is due to the truth that there are many websites arising leading to a high competition and people will have to punch this competition. In order to be successful there is a big need to find the best strategies that are affordable and effective. This is where website cloning will be very useful.


Website cloning is a correct choice because of the advantages that it brings. This is because these services are usually finished in a short duration and the prices are affordable. When compared to development of a website which has to be done from the beginning, website cloning does not require professionals who need much money to make the sites. Website Cloning usually takes a very short time due to the fact that it is a replica of an existing site with only a few modifications.


What makes website cloning more popular is not the exactness of the copy but the distinct attributes of the replica. The first thing to consider for making website cloning more popular is to include all its features in the new copy. For example, links domain and anchor words should remain the same since these two things are the main generators of customer traffic. Other features like keyword distribution that may have earned the original site more popularity by the search engines should also reappear in the new one. The programming software that is easy to compatible with browsers has also to be preserved.


The distinctive features of the copy should mostly concern its graphical interface. For example, the graphics can be changed to some extent from those of the previous site .It will be difficult to differentiate the new site from the older one. The new site will look different as if it is different page design and exterior features. So, it can be easily believed that it is a brand new domain.


The final factor that makes copying a website more popular is the fact that it can be done professionally. There are companies on the web that can bring about more approachability to the cloning site.


If you choose to carry out website cloning using a reputable service, you also increase your chances of getting a website that is not only reputable but capable of increasing traffic that comes through your site. This is due to the fact that they understand the advantages and disadvantages of the website cloning and hence, will work towards ensuring that they use only the best strategies to give you the desired results. Website cloning is the best decision you can make for your business. This is further enhanced by choosing a website cloning company that is able to meet and fulfill all your expectations.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

Common Errors to Avoid While Cloning a Website

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012


Website cloning is a process of copying or modifying an existing website design or script to create a new website for your business or blogs. Here the design of the website is copied to create the new one. This is very useful but there are some common mistakes done while cloning a website. Here are some of the common mistakes made in the process of cloning


Copying the content of the website; Sometimes, when cloning a website, we find that the content copied from another website. This is bad for search engine rankings as duplicate content is penalized. The content that is irrelevant to the services and products offered by the website will confuse the visitors and such visitors will never visit the site for the second time. Non-original content on your site can penalize the overall ranking of your site in search engines. So having unique content representing your business on the web is very essential.


At this point, it is important to state that creating a reputable website clone also requires that you use simple content. In this regard, you should avoid using complex words which can’t be understand by your customers. It is advisable to use the content that is easy to grasp and understand.  Besides this, it is important to ensure that the keywords are placed strategically when the website cloning is being carried out.


Using the wrong website- Before you choose a website to use for website cloning, make sure it is a successful website. Go through several websites to get the ones that are most effective. It is not necessary to copy a website exactly; you can be creative and add a few things of your own to create a successful website. Make sure to update the website often to make it competing with the market. This will draw more traffic to your site and hence increases sales and profits.


Another important factor to be considered after creating the website clone is the marketing strategy used. In most cases, though after cloning a high performing website, a website clone script might fail to deliver the required results due to the failure to implement marketing strategy. It is therefore important to place all the right measures at right place to ensure that you get the visibility that is required.


When creating a website copy, the essential factor to consider is whether your customers will find it resourceful. That said, people overlook several things and hence, end up with a website clone that does not meet their requirements. Put in simple terms; carefully choose the words you are going to use to make sure your customers visit the website very often. It is important to carry our intense research to find a good company that offers website cloning services. Choose a company that offers high quality services at low rates and has capability to clone a website with proper relevant content. Hiring professional website cloners ensures that your site’s impression reflects the quality of services or products that your business provides. What makes a website engaging and memorable can largely be attributed to the voice that comes through your sites content.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit