Posts Tagged ‘Professional website quote’

Free website design advice from the professionals

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Web site designing is very much in demand these days as the majority of businesses are trying to move to cyberspace and make their identity. They are either creating one by themselves or looking for Free website design advice from the professionals.


Here are a few free website design advice for creating your own website:

  • Make sure that each page in your website has something valuable to offer. Though this is not related anywhere to design, but it’s actually much more important factor to focus than the template. People visit your link to collect some information or to buy something and if you don’t have these things available they will stay away from your site. No one will be interested in your colorful templates and decorations just.
  • Do not use too much of animations on your site that can distract visitors. Blinking or scrolling text, animated GIFs, or auto-loading sound is something that the user is very much not interested in.
  • Avoid using popup windows that can annoy your site visitors. Nobody likes pop-up’s. We all know that when we’re browsing we hate popups that suddenly take us to advertising channels or other places where we are not interested for to land up. This can distract your visitors.
  • Don’t use text over image backgrounds in your design. Text over image backgrounds can give the amateur look, because generally poor and low running sites just use them. You can see that high ranking sites like Google, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon, the New York Times, Webmaster World, or any others never use image backgrounds behind the text. A modest and formal look can make you sell more easily. Also, another problem with this is that they take longer to load.
  • Offer clear navigation on your site. When users get lost they like to start over from page one. Make it easy for them by including a way to get back to the home page from every page. Even if you’re including a clickable logo on the top of page, make sure to also include a text label like ‘Home’, because some users don’t realize that logos take you back to the home page. They will leave your site if they get lost in the middle of their search.
  • Compress your image files and videos that you include in your pattern. Nothing is more annoying to the users than waiting for a graphic to load before displaying the needed content. Flash graphics and multimedia may look attractive to eyes, but they’re bad when they make it hard for visitors to get the information they want from your site.
  • Using contrasting colors or simple backgrounds is also one of the important and simple factors to think while creating your website. By doing do you will make your text easy to read for the users. Today, more decent colors and fonts are being used in templates and they are selling well too.
  • Remove broken links periodically will improve your site quality and as well make it more worthy to visit. Regular checking and testing will ensure you that all your links are working well.


Nevertheless, these tips are not limited. There is a never ending history attached to designing and development. If you want any of such free website design advice you can get immediate help online from many professionals. Their websites offer you full assistance in designing and also they can do this task on your behalf. By providing your details about your requirements you can get a Professional website quote from them. They will consider all the aspects of your site and will offer the best applicable quote to you.

Get the Popular Website Clone Scripts for Successful Online Business

Friday, July 20th, 2012

While browsing the internet, many of you might have gone through websites with some unique design and layout ideas, and would like to have such features in your website. Website cloning perfectly fulfills this requirement to get the cloned copy of your dream website. Website duplication enables you to clone any sort of sites like classified, social networking, content management, e-commerce, photo gallery and many more websites of your choice.


Website cloning removes the hurdle of spending huge amount of time and money on developing a website. With some of the best website clone software and tools available it’s no tougher to create any desired website. With the convenience of such tools you need not have a second thought to start your online business. These tools create the replica of other successful websites with great ease. The functionalities of even the most complex websites can be replicated within short period of time using these web cloning tools.


The replicated website doesn’t look exactly same as the original one, but it just bears the similarities with the earlier website. For this reason website duplication has nothing to do with the violation of copyright laws. But to duplicate a website it’s necessary to ensure that cloned site is not the exact replica of the genuine site. So creating a cloned excellence requires unmatched technical skills and commitment.


So, it is highly advisable to create a site of your interest from a reliable company that has expertise to meet your design objectives without making an exact replica. The reputed cloning companies will have access to the leading website clone scripts in the market. Some of the popular scripts include


Facebook Clone: It is a replica of the famous social networking website Facebook with all the existing features in the current website. You can add other new customized features to improve the site functionality.
Monster Clone: Monster clone script provides a means for the best online job portal. It aims to assist all the components of job searching and job hiring process required for job seekers and employers.
Ebay Clone: Ebay clone script enables you to create your own sales site. This clone allows you to set up notices to start making money through the website or charge commission for selling products.
YouTube Clone: It grants you to create a clone of YouTube which is the well known video sharing site. YouTube clone is one of the most popular and open source social media and video sharing website script on the Internet.


Creating a similar website with other unique features is possible with high quality developments. So it requires professional website clone and copy from top to bottom. It starts from designing the database and creating the complete specification for the admin panel and making it flexible for the front end of the website. Therefore only a qualified and experienced website cloning company can provide you all the elements of cloning as per your requirement. So ensure to choose the right company if you are serious about promoting your online business.

Ethics of using Website Clone Scripts

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

If you are planning to create a website with limited budget you might want to have a glance at website clone scripts. While clone scripts have been around for years, they have suddenly gained popularity as these scripts save a lot of time and money required for building a brand new website. A website clone script generally clones all the functionalities of a famous website in terms of design or features. While cloning the site, front end design can be slightly changed to prevent copy right issues. Web site clone scripts give the advantage to clone any website including social networking and search engine giants like Face book, Twitter, Google, Bing, etc.


As a primary step you have to install the script, make a few changes at the front end and then twist the script to meet your business requirements. You can always adjust the scripts as needed. Make sure to get open source clone scripts to make the necessary changes. Scripts with encrypted source code don’t provide the option to edit. Customization of the scripts helps you make money online by creating quality websites. More features have to be added to your site to separate it from other similar sites in the market. To add new characteristics to your website you need to analyze what your targeted audience is going to look for in your website. Try to work on those areas that will make things easier for your targeted traffic.


There are many false impressions about clone scripts. Some people consider them as poorly coded scripts while others expect them to be the best way to become famous overnight. It is a misconception to expect that a website worked for someone else will do the same miracles for your business as well. As most of the sites being cloned had already made a name, withstanding with them is quite impossible. However, clone scripts have great possibility to make money online, if you have a clean business strategy.


When you plan to clone a website it is important to ensure that any clone script you are interested in is the developer’s genuine foundation. It is allowable to clone or duplicate operations, such as the ability to add images or create a profile page. But it is not ethical to copy other parts of someone else’s script. Make sure that the clone scripts you use are free from copyrighted elements such as graphics, content, or any other controlled features of the genuine concept.


The direction of cloning market is always changing as organizations always look for website clone scripts that generate revenue while giving their customers the best user experience. It is beneficial to hire a professional website cloning company that adds unique features to the existing clone scripts to create a website of your own choice.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

Website Cloning for Speedy Business Establishment

Thursday, March 15th, 2012


Website cloning refers to the process of copying or modifying an existing website design or script to create a new website. Website cloning allows designers to develop websites without the need to write scripts from the beginning.


By copying an existing script, a developer can make necessary changes for functionality on a new website. Scripts run behind the scenes on the Internet and control the functionality of what Internet users see. Scripts control website navigation, product order and check functionality and search features, among other functions.

By making a copy of a Web page, a designer can modify the layout and create a new website. Designers can replace information and graphics from the existing site with new content. While the web page has the same look as the original, the content and branding materials get changed.


With the changing business needs of your company’s marketplace, there are times when having the ability to clone another website for specific content distribution and brand positioning is required. Some instances could be a new industry opportunity, a new product launch, a marketing campaign & promotion, a new focus etc. The possibilities are endless.  The question is how easy is it to clone a website with all the capabilities of your current website.


If you use website clone scripts for your marketing website, cloning your site for new website creation one takes about ten minutes with a few clicks of a mouse.  It can be done by business-line users. Once cloned, your new website has all the tools and page templates of your existing site ready to go.  It’s up to you to change graphics, choose colors, add content, activate and insert your domain name to go live and get the word out


While cloning a website ensure to meet customer values and requirements such as ease of finding content on a site with a narrow focus.  This saves time for the visitors. It is also essential to create an atmosphere of total attention to the issue or problem your product/service solves. Copying the website from time to time with new information is necessary. This helps customer react to your company’s dedication.


Cloning companies offer their services to clients as a means of lower-cost website development. Clients can select existing websites and enlist developers to copy the elements they desire. Do-it-yourself developers with low to moderate skill levels can use website cloning as a way to eliminate or reduce script-writing tasks and design layout. Choose a professional website cloning company that offers the highest quality services to meet all your business needs.

About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit


Follow Website Cloning to Create a Successful Website

Thursday, February 16th, 2012



If you own a business and thinking to build your own website, it is wise to go for website cloning. Website cloning is a fast and easy way of having a successful and effective website design and online presence.


Usually, to develop a website, one has to determine the goal of building a website. Before starting the website one must make sure of what are the things to achieve with the website. Is the website meant to improve the sales of goods or advertise his financial, legal, or other professional services? Then, one has to decide who the target audience is. It is important to determine whether the targeted audience is male, female or children. The website design would be different in all the cases. Then make a list of all the competitors, examine their website design and the services they are offering.


All these elements play a vital role in deciding the Ecommerce website design. One needs to go for the website design that best suits their business needs and requirements. At the same time, it is essential to ensure that your website design is attractive and engaging. It should impress web users and make them navigate through your site. Only an effective website design has the capability to convert the web users in to your customers.


But sometimes things are not easy as they look. Website development and designing takes a lot of time and requires proficiency and knowledge for creating a functional and pleasing website design. In such case Website cloning is a better alternative. It is a process to copy a website or replicate a successful website design, yet making it different from the original website. For example, if you deal in office electronic items and want to build a website, you can search on the Internet for a variety of such websites to know how others have designed their site. Try to learn how they have divided their web page in to content and images, what advanced website design features they have included in their website, etc.


Apart from relieving you from the difficulty of visualizing your website creation, web cloning also helps you have an edge over your competitors. You may find out what your competitors are offering in terms of product features and price and accordingly develop your website. Moreover, you can even create a website clone of any of the well known and in demand websites and modify it to develop a better website of your own. It can be developed according to your custom needs with extra unique features to make the site user friendly. Such website clones have the ability to produce a high customer base, gain popularity in a very short span of time and gain high profits. So avail the professional help of a reputed website cloning company to create a successful, effective and revenue generating website.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

How Website Cloning Markets Your Business and Increases Sales

Friday, February 10th, 2012




Owning a website is an essential move in business. There are number of websites that belong to various companies. Web sites are valuable in boosting the representation of the company as well as earning some profits.


Website business is a very competing field and needs a well performed procedure to make profits and maintain a good place in the market. In this reference, many website owners try to make use of methods that are adjusted towards maintaining web visitors in order to succeed their businesses.  Of late, website cloning has become very popular and is vastly used by companies and businesses who offer website services.


Website cloning is very progressive as it is very consistent and simple to go along with and it looks more like the original site from which the cloning has done. A few modifications are made on a cloned site and it may even look better than the original site. With the help of cloning you will be able to earn more demand from clients since the site can call for, and command huge popularity from prospective web visitors and effect their buying decision in your favor, hence increasing sales.


When you do website cloning, you will be increasing the rate of accessibility of your site via other links. By increasing accessibility you have more visitors hence causing traffic which will definitely lead to increased sales in your business. Through website cloning one can earn a good reputation for the website. When one uses a well known cloning service, your site will be reputable. With a good reputation for your site, you will be able to drive traffic and hence influence the clients buying decision and thus make an increased sale which is beneficial to your website business.


While cloning the website you should ensure that your website copy is relevant with the intended content that will help market your business strategy. This service is necessary and requires a company you entrust to carry out web designing, web cloning and web hosting with vast experience in this field.


The main reason why you need website is to motivate and increase traffic to it. So when doing website creation, you should not concentrate on the web copy alone but also on the web design. A website that is badly designed will drive traffic away. Get the free website design advice from reputed companies and use designs that are relevant to the theme of your website and content.


In order to market your strategies with the use of a website, you need to create an awareness of what the website is about. You also need to make the visitors aware of the products and services that you are offering. Using web copy make your targeted audience have an interest in your products. You should also be able to show how your services and products will be of benefit to the customer so as to stimulate them to take action. Clone a website with a reputable cloning company as will be very effective and can serve and exceed your expectations in the website business industry.

About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

Efficient Web Development with Affordable Website Cloning

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012



Cloning of websites is rapidly evolving as the advantageous method of designing websites on a low cost budget. This involves the copying of another successful website or changing some aspects of an already existing website to create another new site. In this case, it is not always necessary for the web designers to write fresh scripts. Searching new ways of developing the web site without investing much money is highly profitable.


It is possible to get a low cost cloning of websites that can still produce wonderful quality design results on the new website. An effective, well developed website that has unique layout and content will be user friendly and can attract visitors. One of the important benefits of website cloning is that you get to take the best areas of another site and include it into the new website to improve it.


Web cloning is not illegal because the design is not copyrighted and what is illegal to obtain and publish is the information found on that particular website. Web cloning has made it easy for small companies to develop websites for them because it involves much simpler method of determining how the website will look like and this also simplifies the work of the website developers. If you have been impressed by a particular website and you have your website cloned from that particular website, it will most probably impress a lot of people and catch their attention.


A website developer can clone a website for you at a reasonable price and also add a few modifications so that it can meet the kind of services that you are offering. Once you have selected a website that you would want a website developer to clone and you make the necessary payments to the cloning company, you will have your own website up and fully functional in no time. The cloning company will help you in issues like where to host your newly launched website and how to market it.


Contracting a website cloning company for your needs is affordable because there is not much technical stuff that is done. Furthermore, there is no need of high technical knowledge that is required to make the cloning. Since it is not the whole concept on one website that is being copied, the designer can just take parts that need to be corrected from the new website and then pick the most quality parts from the other site to use for cloning.


Many companies and also individuals find it very hard to decide on website layouts when they want to develop websites for their companies. Today, it is very easy to have your website created in the same manner and layout like another website and all one has to do is consult a web cloning company.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit

Why Website Cloning is Popular

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012



Website cloning is evolving much famous with the modern internet technology. This is due to the truth that there are many websites arising leading to a high competition and people will have to punch this competition. In order to be successful there is a big need to find the best strategies that are affordable and effective. This is where website cloning will be very useful.


Website cloning is a correct choice because of the advantages that it brings. This is because these services are usually finished in a short duration and the prices are affordable. When compared to development of a website which has to be done from the beginning, website cloning does not require professionals who need much money to make the sites. Website Cloning usually takes a very short time due to the fact that it is a replica of an existing site with only a few modifications.


What makes website cloning more popular is not the exactness of the copy but the distinct attributes of the replica. The first thing to consider for making website cloning more popular is to include all its features in the new copy. For example, links domain and anchor words should remain the same since these two things are the main generators of customer traffic. Other features like keyword distribution that may have earned the original site more popularity by the search engines should also reappear in the new one. The programming software that is easy to compatible with browsers has also to be preserved.


The distinctive features of the copy should mostly concern its graphical interface. For example, the graphics can be changed to some extent from those of the previous site .It will be difficult to differentiate the new site from the older one. The new site will look different as if it is different page design and exterior features. So, it can be easily believed that it is a brand new domain.


The final factor that makes copying a website more popular is the fact that it can be done professionally. There are companies on the web that can bring about more approachability to the cloning site.


If you choose to carry out website cloning using a reputable service, you also increase your chances of getting a website that is not only reputable but capable of increasing traffic that comes through your site. This is due to the fact that they understand the advantages and disadvantages of the website cloning and hence, will work towards ensuring that they use only the best strategies to give you the desired results. Website cloning is the best decision you can make for your business. This is further enhanced by choosing a website cloning company that is able to meet and fulfill all your expectations.


About Rabbit Clone-Rabbit clone is a top one source for website duplication and programming. Our goal is to take all web cloning projects from concept to go live. We have access to popular and well-known websites scripts that help us copy a website. Our website cloning process is about using our technical and programming expertise. To know in detail about website copying and how professionals can copy a website for you, you may visit