Understand Website Cloning and Copying For Faster Website

July 17th, 2010

Website cloning and copying refers to designing the website of your company or organization to look like the one of your competitors or other websites that offers the same products like the one you offer. This is common and may also be done for the content in the website. Website has become a marketing tool that many companies and businesses use to make customers know about their goods and services in the bid to increase sales and profits.

The design and content of the website plays an important role in the successful marketing process. Web development is a long process and consumes time and money. It may therefore be necessary to clone a website to reduce on the time and money you spend on website design. It also helps to act as a guideline especially for companies that are just starting out. You can use the website of already established and successful websites that are dealing in related products and services to improve your own. This can help you increase web traffic to your site and win more customers that eventually lead to more profits.

The best websites to copy is the one of websites that already ranks higher in the search engine. You should do it using similar technique but ensure it is unique to avoid having your backfire. It should be simple and easy to understand. Website copying requires these considerations to be put in mind. Some of these include; the relevance of the site, key word use in the content and the target audience. Use web cloning softwares that can help you create unique websites that are relevant to your company’s services and products.

The main target when carryout website design using website cloning is to achieve the best website for your company from the ones that already exist of companies that offer similar services. Plan, take your time and ensure you get the best.

The Secret To Website Cloning And Copying

July 16th, 2010

There are many firms which duplicate and clone websites. However, http://www.rabbitclone.com is one of the best. If you research on the internet, you will discover that there are many other website copying companies. However, rabbitclone.com stands out among all of them.

It is second to none in terms of experience in the website cloning business. Additionally, it has very qualified experts in website development. Its past performance is also impeccable as shown by the numerous clients that it consistently attracts and retains. Apart from this, reviewers usually recommend its website design services. Therefore, if you want them to clone a website for you, you can be assured of the highest quality in terms of service and the final product.

Rabbitclone.com is also very trustworthy. Most of the other companies might offer you exact clones of another website design. However, rabbitclone.com never does this, so you can be assured that you will not receive any negative publicity and that you will not have to lose your customers and the ranking of your web pages.

The main secret that rabbitclone.com employs in website copying is that it incorporates all the important features that you want in your website design without directly copying the website from which your website clone is being generated.

The other secret is that rabbitclone.com gets the best experts in website development to work with their company. These website designers are highly qualified in their jobs which mean that the website clones that they design are impeccable in terms of coding, graphics and functionality. The services they offer are also very reliable.

Therefore, if you are looking for website copying services, rabbitclone.com is the site to visit and you are sure to get, not only what you are looking for, but also some great website design extras that will make your website even more attractive and appropriate. After rabbitclone.com is done with the website development of your site, you will understand the reason behind their secrets in website cloning and copying.

What You Should Know About Website Copying

April 13th, 2010

One of the most discussed topics on the internet is website copying.  Many site owners are copying websites to be able to improve on their website content. Many people may still be wondering what these means and how it is helpful to site owners. Website copying is basically cloning content from another site to yours.  In one case, someone may have a have a small hardware retail store. The owner of the store may want to develop a site to promote his or her products. When creating his site he must have two things in mind. He must determine how he wants his website to look like. In addition, he must also determine the content to place on the site.
Essentially, how the site look and the content matter will determine how much traffic he or she actually gets to the site. Generally, it’s only naturally that the more traffic you have on the site the higher the sales and hence revenue. It is therefore paramount to have suitable content of your site.

The internet has a list of sites that offer the same services. When you copy a website you save a lot of time that you could have taken to develop and design it. You can copy ideas from some other sites that offer the same products. The site owner ac also find out what the competitors are offering in the market. You also get to compare there prices and offers too. Website copying is a fantastic way of sprucing up your business if you are not a getting profit from it. When you copy websites but make it better to attract more visitors and more business. In this way, you get to win over more clients and attract more clients.

A Website clone not only saves site owners lot of effort in designing the site; they also get to save a lot of money in the process. When you copy a well performing site you get to reap maximum results and more revenue for your business.

You can also use copy a website when you site is boring and unnatural. It is ideal if you give more edge and color. If your site is a marketing site ensure you used language and style that will attract visitors to the site. There are numerous sites on the internet offering the same products and services; therefore you need to have a site that will be different from the rest. An ideal website copy should be written in correct language.  Here, we mean that it should have the correct usage of words. It should also be written in simple language that everyone can decipher what you are saying.
The information should also be factual and clear so as not to leave the reader confused.  It should also avoid using tired clichés that will make the user feel disgusted. Except for a few a website should be written in a friendly and informal manner. The keywords should be placed appropriately.

What You Need To Know About Website Copying

April 6th, 2010

Website copying can be defined as the creation of a website that looks exactly like another one. Websites are very important when running an online business. If you want to enjoy high ranking that will catapult your online business, you should consider creating a website that resembles one of those which are doing well on the rankings. The process of copying websites should be well thought out. There are those websites that you can copy and then they backfire on you. However, there are those that you can clone and get better results than you expected. The concept of website cloning does not imply that you take everything you find in a successful website and put it in a similar website. It means that you use similar website creation techniques to come up with a somewhat similar but completely unique website of your own.

You should always copy websites which are consistent on the top rankings. You should not choose to clone a website just because it appears on top of the search engine for a day or two. There are many things that you should consider when looking for the appropriate website to clone. One of the most important things that you should consider is the website’s design. The design of the website about-to-be-cloned should be user-friendly and interesting. All the pages should be easy to navigate through, and if possible, they should have site maps.

Website copy is another important factor that comes to play when y are selecting the appropriate website that you want to clone. When designing copy for websites, it is important to think about such things as what your target audience would like to see in the website. Your content should also be relevant to the theme of your website. You can make use of expert copywriters to create unique and simple content for your website clone. Your content should also contain keywords that will make your website visible on the search engine.

Linking is also a good idea when you want to create a unique website clone. The websites which you are going to link with should be relevant to your website’s content and theme. That is, you should create links which lead to websites that are similar to yours. These websites should offer your visitors more useful information about what you are offering on your website. When you want to clone a website, you should look for links that are similar to those found on the original website.

There are certain types of website cloning software that you can use to create a unique, SEO friendly website. These software options also come with a set of instructions to help you know exactly how to copy a website and even how to copy website content. You will realize that copying websites does not necessarily mean that you should copy everything word to word. Once you came up with the perfect website clone, you will be surprised at how much your business will grow.

Cloning Joomla Websites

April 5th, 2010

When you want to copy a Joomla site, the process involves two main processes. For the website copying to be successful, you have to copy both the files and the database. The database contains all the content. These two steps are not carried out at the same time. The step you start with when you want to copy a website will depend on the specific situation but you can begin with either of them. If you regularly update your site, you will probably need to have it offline as you copy website content. In such a case, you should copy your database last so that you can lessen the downtime.

One of the methods you can use to get website copy from a Joomla installation is by using FTP software. This will allow you to download all the files from their current location and upload them to a new one. The new location that you clone a website on can be the same server but in another directory. It can also be in an entirely different server. When you are producing copy for websites, it is important to make sure that you use one directory structure in all the files and folders when you are moving them. With a website cloning software like FTP, this happens automatically when you are downloading and uploading the folders and files. After website copying, the configuration files need to be edited to ensure they are working properly in the new location. You may also have to change some of the settings on the server to get the website clone to function efficiently.

In some cases, when you are trying to figure out how to copy a website, one or two files can become corrupted. This can happen during a transfer and when it does only a section of the file is transmitted successfully. When this happens, you can try uploading the files once more.

If there are many files that you need to copy as you clone websites, FTP is not the best website cloning software to use. If you have many files, the transfer will work better if you compress them. The compressed file will be decompressed when it gets to it destination system. Before you can compress them, you need to have an archive file. There are various programs that you can use to create the archive file depending on the operating system you use. This archive file is the one you will copy to your preferred destination. Once it is at the desired location, you will have to unpack it using the same command that you used to create it.

Copying websites by exporting a database can be easily done using a phpMyAdmin tool.  With this tool, you can be able to duplicate the contents of the database using different names. The copy can be exported to a personal computer or to an entirely new database. To export the entire database when you copy websites, you need to log into it and then select the export option.

The Ideal Website Copy

April 2nd, 2010

Any person to start a website always hopes that it will attract as many people as possible. What they fail to do is put themselves in the shoes of their potential subscribers. Before coming up with a particular website a person should ask themselves a few questions. These are
•    What would the readers like to know?
•    Who is the target audience?
•    Is there enough content?

These three questions are of utmost importance in helping one come up with the best copy for the website. After answering the first two questions the hard part would come when trying to answer the third. Website copy is what will make the website appealing. This is where most people fail because their websites do not have what it takes. It does not convince. The website copy should aim to achieve any of these three functions, educate, entertain and inform. This depends on the kind of website a person wishes to start. At the end of it all, it should stand out from the rest of the other websites. To come up with enough content for the website a person has to do a few things. Find out what would differentiate your website from the rest, remember the human mind normally gets bored from seeing or reading the same things over and over again. A difference is always exciting to the mind.

When copying for a website, it must meet the client’s needs. Therefore come up with a research methodology and seek to know what is lacking in the market. This will help you a great deal in coming with ought suitable content for your website copy. To be more effective in this, a person may come with an FAQ page where customers will be directly involved. This normally works as it gives customers a sense of importance and will in no doubt identify with your website.

The next thing a person should aim at is to teach. Just the fact that the thought of starting a website crossed your mind does not mean that you probably know everything about your particular field either in business or entertainment but you have something unique to tell people. Teach people something they may not know that may be from experience or even research. This will give the website owner an upper hand over his competitors as they would know what they are writing about.

Website copy is a person’s most powerful tool of trade in this industry. After coming up with this and putting it together, come up with a good appealing design for the page. A person can enlist the service of a website designer who will advice them accordingly on the best and most appropriate design for their website. The essence of this is that if well done, it will attract more clients to it. Employ the use of graphics and other features to make it more unique.

These few guidelines should be able to enable a person to come up good website copy. Let it be what people are looking for. After all has been said and done, enjoy the benefits that the website content will bring. To keep it going, copying the website from time to time with new information is necessary.

Owning a website

April 1st, 2010
For those that love to own things… add Websites to that list. Money can buy you anything! check it out.

Posted via email from alphaj’s posterous

Benefits of Copying Websites

April 1st, 2010

There are several benefits that businesses get by copying websites. Whether you are running a small-sized business, a mid-sized business, or even the large business, you stand a chance to benefit greatly from copying websites. One of the benefits that you get is that it saves you time that you could have used to create your own website.  Since you are copying everything from the website including the content as well as the design, you will not use much of your time because everything has been made easier for you. One of the most challenging steps when creating a website is writing the content and designing your website but once you have permission to copy these things from a more successful website, your work will be absolutely easier.

Another benefit that you get with website copying is that it saves you money. Web design is one area that requires a lot of money but if you have to copy the design from another website that is more successful in the online business, you will be saving quite a lot and you may want to use this money to expand your business. This means that you will have extra money to spend in other things such as advertising or to create new products. This will help you not to waste money when you are creating a website copy that may even fail to attract traffic and maybe you have spend all your fortune in creating it. Furthermore, businesses copy a website so that they enter into the market as quickly as possible and easily as well. This helps them to save on research and the huge investment that is a requirement when building as well as developing a website.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to copy a website that is highly performing and thus you will enter into the market fast and with ease.  The only thing that you will be required to do is to create a fresh website so that it suites your objectives and goals. If you create a website that is able to impress the audience, and then you are rest assured that it will make huge sales and thus will offer you the income that you have always wanted. This is one of the most cost-effective ways of creating a website and achieving the desired results in the long run. Since copying a website has several benefits, you will be required to be careful because it can land you into trouble. For example, if you copy a website exactly the way it is, it has serious consequences as it may lead to severe penalization from the search engines. Furthermore, the owner (s) of the website might sue you for copyright and this is where you will face problems when you copy a website. This means that you have to add a spin to the website clone and ensure that your website looks exclusive and outstanding from the rest of the websites in the World Wide Web.


March 25th, 2010

One blog, Many sites. Posterous.

Posted via web from alphaj’s posterous

All You Need to Know About Website Copying

March 25th, 2010

The online world is buzzling today because of website copying that has seen more and more website owners go for website duplication so that they attain online success. If you want to know what is meant by copying website, you will have to read on because this article contains information that will help you understand this new online terminology.

Website copying is a procedure of reproducing a website that is successful in the online world. It is also referred to as website duplication and it involves doubling the website content and design at the same time shaping it to meet your personal business needs and requirements. For instance, if you have a small book publishing company and you are in the process of developing a website for your company, and then you will have to consider two things. One of the things to consider in this case is the web designing as well as developing the contents of your website. The web content and the web design are the two most important things in an online business because they will determine the amount of traffic you receive in your website. When you receive adequate traffic to your website, it means that you many people log in at your website and thus are more likely to buy your products.

Since there are several other websites that operate the same business as yours, you will like to copy that website that offer book publishing services also and the main advantage of website copying is that it saves time. Instead of sitting down to design and write the content of your website, you will simply copy one from an existing website and by so doing you will have save time.  Another advantage of copying websites is that you will get an idea of some of the basic elements that are contained in any book-publishing website. In addition, it will help you to find out what your competitors offer such as the different types of publishing services, the cost, period of publishing and several other things.

Another thing that you get when you copy a website is that you will be able to earn profits from your website if you have not had any profits previously. This means that you will create a website that is superior to those of your competitors and thus you will be better positioned to win big and thus have an edge of the rest in the market. Moreover, it also helps you to save money apart from saving you time when creating your own website. It helps you not to waste money creating a website copy that will not attract any website users to it. If you copy a website that is successful, you will be able to climb up the ladder of success without to much effort because every other thing has been taken care of that website that you copy. If you want to succeed online, you have to learn this new trend of marketing.